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We are here to help people take next steps with Jesus.

Wherever you are on your faith journey, we welcome you to join us. Whether you've

been in church your whole life or you're thinking of making your first visit, there's a place for you.


We seek to honor God by

-Connecting with Christ: In Him we find life, hope, purpose, salvation and transformation.
-Connecting with each other:  In following Christ, we become part of His family, His body.

We grow and serve in relationship with others.
-Connecting with the world: We have been blessed to be a blessing to others, locally and around the world.



1. We believe in God the Father, creator of heaven, earth, and all living things.


2. We believe in Jesus Christ, that

He is the second person of the Trinity, who came to earth, born

of a virgin, taught, died and rose again to provide salvation to

those who believe in Him. 


3. We believe in the Holy Spirit,

the third part of the Trinity.

We believe the Holy Spirit lives in those who have given their lives

to Christ and helps us live 

lives that honor God.


4. We believe in the Bible as the authoritative Word of God.


5. We believe in Salvation, that we can have our sins forgiven and become right with God because

of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. 


6. We believe baptism by

immersion demonstrates our

pledge to live for Him. 


What should I wear?

Clothes. You don’t have to dress up. Some people wear

jeans and work boots or tennis shoes. Some come in

business casual. Wear what makes you feel comfortable. 


What is the service like?

Informal worship. Weekly communion. We try to offer

sermons that are both biblical and practical –

showing how God’s ways apply to real life. 


What do you have for children?

-We have classes for all ages at 9:00 Sunday morning. 

-During the 10:30 worship service, we offer a nursery for infants to age three. Children can go to “children’s church”

in another room during the sermon time. 


Will I be singled out as a guest? 

We want you to feel welcome but we won’t make you stand

up or bring attention to you. Greeters at the door will help answer your questions or find someone who can.


Am I supposed to give some money?

We don’t expect our guests to give.

Consider the service as our gift to you. 


What about Communion? 

We celebrate the “Lord’s Supper” to remember Jesus’

sacrifice for us. We invite those who have placed their trust

in Jesus Christ to partake – to take a small cup of juice and

tiny cracker when it’s passed around. It’s a time to thank

Him for His love and renew our commitment to follow Him. 


Are there other ways to connect with people?

Yes! Check the "Life Groups" tab. 



Cory Lemke


Associate Pastor:

Ben Powell



Michael Lund (Chairman)

Lee Brewer

Randy Travis

Steve Warner

Dave Vanderhoff

Jay Peoples



Glenda Lund



Teri West​

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